About Us

Our mission starts and ends with life-affirming art.



For 20 years, Ursula Bunge’s professional career in the world of art and sport has given her extensive experience in public relations. Based on this knowledge, philanthropic arts and sports services are her line of expertise.


She notably participated in a Division 1 college basketball program as a coach and head coordinator for the academic development of student-athletes.


Her experience in the field of arts in museums, galleries and consultation with collectors, allowed her to understand this environment.


Ursula implements the fusion of exclusive environments as beacons of benevolence for various causes.




Food aid for student-athletes in basketball and American football.


Faced with the economic reality of student-athletes in educational and organizational settings, a percentage are unable to meet the essential needs to perform without the burden of certain obligations, such as eating adequately according to a nutritional diet, due to lack of funds.


This situation exists in the world of sport, a little-known cause, although experienced almost daily for certain student-athletes.



Participation in this cause is reflected by a return of 5% of online sales, redistributed to an educational institution or an established organization having a food program for student-athletes who are shepherded by the coach, school facilitator, head of the organization or the student-athlete requiring food assistance.




Philanthropic Services Arts and Sports.


Foundations, Nonprofit Organizations, Vocational Institutions and Vocational Individuals:

  • Fundraising events powered by the arts.
  • Art consultation.
  • Sale of works of art.
  • Public relations in artistic and sporting circles.
